
Accumulator As Hydraulic Shock Absorber

  Accumulator      The accumulator is an energy storage device: a device that accepts energy, stores energy, and releases energy as needed. Some accumulators accept energy at a low rate (low power) over a long time interval and deliver the energy at a high rate (high power) over a short time interval.     Some accumulators accept energy at a high rate over a short time interval and deliver the energy at a low rate over a longer time interval. Some accumulators typically accept and release energy at comparable rates. Various devices can store thermal energy, mechanical energy, and electrical energy. Energy is usually accepted and delivered in the same form. Some devices store a different form of energy than what they receive and deliver performing energy conversion on the way in and on the way out. Basic principles      You have an accumulator with a hard shell. Normally carbon steel – very similar to the bucket that I showed you b...

Non-Conventional Machining of Titanium and Nickel Based Alloys

  Abstract This review article provides consolidated information about various conventional and non-conventional techniques that are being implemented over the years to machine Ni (Nickel) and Ti (Titanium) based alloys. In the initial section of this review, the applications of various Ni and Ti-based alloys are presented. The discussion is then extended to various conventional methods of machining followed by the difficulties in working on these alloy using traditional methods of machining. Further various non-conventional methods of machining such as cryogenic, EDM (Electro Discharge Machining), ECM (Electro Chemical Machining), WJM (Water jet Machining), UAT (Ultrasonic Assisted Turning), etc have been reviewed. Different output responses such as material removal rate, surface roughness, tool wear rate during the machining processes are highlighted. A consolidated data of various researchers and their studies connect to this topic has been offered. Finally, the article has be...